The policy of BJS Group is to achieve profitable growth through consistently satisfying the needs and expectations of its customers, encouraging maximum repeat customer business. The company encourages continual improvement to enhance the effectiveness of its operations and the performance of the quality management system. Objectives are established and monitored in order to measure performance improvement.
A system of processes and procedures is maintained that reflects (to existing customers, potential customers and independent auditing authorities), the competence of the Company to provide services, equipment and systems of assured quality.
Achievement of this policy involves all employees who are individually responsible for the quality of their work, and to whom this policy has been provided and explained by the Directors.
To achieve and maintain the required level of assurance, the Managing Director retains responsibility for the Quality Assurance System in the role of Quality Manager.
The aims of the Quality Assurance System are:
a) To maintain an effective Quality Assurance System complying with International Standard ISO9001 (Quality Systems).
b) To achieve and maintain an economic level of quality which enhances the Company’s reputation with customers.
c) To ensure compliance with relevant customer, statutory, legal, regulatory and safety requirements.
d) To endeavour, at all times, to maximise customer satisfaction with the products and services provided by the BJS Group companies.